July 30, 2007
Gamma Pharmaceuticals, Inc. NAICS 325412
2225 Angelfire Street Las Vegas, NV 89128 Description Pharmaceutical Mfg.
(702) 953-6446 Employees 0
Revenue (mil) 0.0000
  Income (mil) -2.3530
  Assets (mil) 6.1770
  Liability (mil) 0.3990
  (for the year ended 2007-03-31)
Category: Audit Concerns
Event: LL Bradford & Company LLC expressed substantial doubt on Gamma Pharmaceuticals, Inc.'s ability to continue as a going concern after auditing the Company's financial statements. The auditor points out that the Company has incurred a net loss of approximately $2,354,000 for the year ended March 31, 2007, with an accumulated loss of approximately $2,609,000. In addition, the Company’s current liabilities exceed its current assets by $207,495 as of March 31, 2007.
Intellectual Property: On April 7, 2006, the Company entered into a Technology Transfer Agreement pursuant to which it obtained all copyrights, trademarks, and know-how to a portfolio of vitamin and nutriceutical products and personal care products. This Transferred Technology is based on proprietary formulation technology that represents improved versions of certain current branded products now being marketed by other companies. On August 30, 2006, the Company successfully completed negotiations with Jugular, Inc. for a contract to license the Jugular brand name, logo and other graphic applications for a range of the energy products. The Company has recently undertaken additional discussions with Jugular regarding the acquisition of a permanent license for its energy-related products and to include personal care products, vitamins and nutriceuticals. On May 4, 2007, the Company purchased intellectual property from Peter Cunningham for $17,000. The Company views the intellectual property as a core component of its pending patent application. [SEC Filing 10-KSB 07-06-07]
Description: The Company has acquired a new line of consumer goods in the vitamin and nutriceutical sector focused mainly on the greater China healthcare, vitamins and nutriceutical goods, OTC pharmaceutical, and personal care product markets and in the United States vitamins and nutriceuticals and personal care product markets.
Officers: Peter Cunningham (Chair, CEO & Sec.); Joseph Cunningham (CFO, Treas. & Dir.); Hao Zhang (Chief Marketing Officer & Dir.)
Auditor: LL Bradford & Company LLC
Securities: 12,382,334 common shares outstanding as of June 25, 2007.
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