October 15, 2007
Quick-Med Technologies, Inc. NAICS 541710
3427 SW 42nd Way Gainesville, FL 32608 Description Biotechnology
(352) 379-0611 Employees 10
http://www.quickmedtech.com/ Revenue (mil) 1.9520
  Income (mil) -1.5060
  Assets (mil) 0.9640
  Liability (mil) 2.9760
  (for the year ended 2007-06-30)
Category: Audit Concerns
Event: Daszkal Bolton LLP has issued a going concern opinion on Quick-Med Technologies, Inc.'s audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. The auditor notes that the Company has experienced recurring losses and negative cash flows from operations. In addition, the Company has a net capital deficiency.
Intellectual Property: The Company's strategy is to research and obtain original patents or, to the extent reasonably available, to license exclusive composition and relevant use patents related to its core technology. Its NIMBUS technology is covered by one issued U.S. patent, six issued foreign patents (Australia, China, Russia, Indonesia, Korea and Mexico), one allowed foreign patent (Canada) and eight pending U.S. patents, as well as a number of international patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), a treaty that covers 125 countries and a number of foreign patent applications. MultiStat™ is covered by seven issued U.S. patents, four issued foreign patents, two pending U.S. patents and two pending international patents. [SEC Filing 10-KSB 09-28-07]
Description: The Company develops proprietary technologies for the medical and consumer healthcare markets.
Officers: Michael R. Granito (Chair); J. Ladd Greeno (CEO & Dir.); David S. Lerner (Pres. & Dir.); George E. Friel (VP & Dir.); Paul G. Cerjan (VP & Dir.); Gerald M. Olderman (VP & Dir.); Gregory S. Schultz (VP & Dir.); Nam H. Nguyen (CFO); Natasha A. Sorobey (Sec.); Richard F. Caffrey (Dir.); Cheryl L. Turnbull (Dir.)
Auditor: Daszkal Bolton LLP
Securities: Common Stock-Symbol QMDT.OB; OTC BB; 30,608,624 common shares outstanding as of September 21, 2007.
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